Campus Ministry focuses on leading the community to encounter Christ through daily liturgy and prayer, retreat and fellowship experiences, spiritual development, and outward service to others in need. In these ways we give life to a favorite Servite maxim - Be Christ, See Christ!
DAILY MASS & Confession
Daily Masses will be celebrated at 7:45 am during the school year. Please note that on days when an all-school Mass is scheduled, there will be no morning Mass. We invite you to join the Servite Community for the all-school Masses at 11:15 am.
Our Servite Chaplain, Fr. Chinnappan Mudiyappan O.S.M. will be available Wednesdays and Fridays during the lunch period in the chapel, as well as by appointment to hear your Confessions.
First Friday
Parent/Guardian & Son Mass & Donuts is BACK! Masses will be held at 7:30 am, the first Friday of the month. More information will be communicated closer to the date via Credo Communications.
Every Monday "MARY MONDAY"
We will pray the Rosary or the Seven Sorrows Rosary (alternating between the two) every Monday at the Statue during lunch.
every friday
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Friday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm throughout the school day. Various teachers and staff members offer up time to adore Christ in the sacrament so others may as well. You are welcome to come and worship.
Come and pray with us on Fridays at 3:00 pm! We check in with each other on our week, offer prayer intentions, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament through Benediction!
Applications are available digitally and as a hard copy. For Juniors and Seniors only. All retreat dates are posted on the school calendar. Click the button below to download the application.
- September 24th-26th
- February 4th-6th
- April 1st-3rd
Students are required to complete 25 service hours or more a year before March 31st. The graduation requirement of 100 hours or more remains the same. To read more about this, please consult the Parent/Student Handbook online. We use the app MobileServe to help track service hours better and more efficiently. Accounts are already created for each student, who will be able to input hours and have verification emails sent to his service supervisor. In addition, completing a service project and reporting.
The Servite Project is a meaningful, year-long service initiative undertaken by every freshman student. In this project, each student commits to dedicating a minimum of 25 service hours to a single organization of their choice. Upon completion, students commemorate their journey by creating and sharing a self-produced video that highlights their experiences.