Music Theory
Music Theory is taught by Dr. Andrew Stroud. The course mirrors the collegiate courses Music Theory I and Music Theory II. Students learn how to analyze and write harmonic progressions using common practice harmony. They will also learn how to write for a variety of instruments, from four-part vocal harmony to transposing orchestral instruments. The course is recommended for anyone who is interested in learning composition, songwriting, or anyone interested in becoming a music major or minor at the collegiate level. This course is also excellent for students who wish to broaden their musical literacy and competency. This includes anyone from a performing musician to Musical Theater students and music recording enthusiasts. Covered topics include key signatures, scales, transposition, intervals, tertiary harmony, rhythm and meter, non-harmonic tones, cadences, harmonic analysis, modulation, secondary dominants, secondary leading-tone chords, and voice-leading practices.
The course is open to grade levels ten and above, but a ninth grade student can take the course after taking a placement test. Anyone with approximately one year of musical study should be adequately prepared to take the course. It's recommended that students are able to read fluently in at least one clef before beginning the course.
For information or inquiries about Music Theory, contact Dr. Andrew Stroud,