Film Production
Servite High School's film program cultivates a greater appreciation for film as an art form in students by deepening their understanding of the overall movie making process. Over the past decade, the program has grown from a single film aesthetics course to a three year program that also produces Servite's weekly news program, Servite TV.
Intro to Film Aesthetics and Production
The first year course, Intro to Film Aesthetics and Production, introduces students to cinematic language and explores movie makers' ability to create many layers of meaning throughout each film, scene, and shot. Each subsequent unit deepens students' understanding of the film making process; beginning with screenwriting and concluding with editing. In the second half of the course, students apply what they have learned and make short film projects with their peers while continuing to explore other cinematic topics such as acting, sound, and the studio system.
Film and Video Production
Should students wish to further explore film making at Servite, they may take a second year course: Film and Video Production. This course is designed to further students' understanding of what goes into making a movie by providing them with five different short film projects over the course of the year. In the first semester, students create two short silent films, in order to develop their visual storytelling skills, in addition to creating a longer film that includes dialogue. In the second semester, students create a work of nonfiction followed by a film of their choosing. Students in the second year course are also responsible for producing Servite TV.
Students who are interested in taking a third year of film at Servite have that opportunity available to them by way of an independent study course. This offers students the opportunity to focus on an area of film making of their choosing (screenwriting, cinematography, directing, etc.) A plan is developed with the instructor and projects are assigned accordingly. This course is best suited for those who are looking to study film making in college.
Because the film program has been operating at Servite now for over a decade, current students enjoy visits from alumni who are studying film at schools such as Chapman, LMU, NYU, and USC. After graduating from these esteemed film programs, alumni continue to return to Servite to share their experiences both in college film programs and in the film industry in Los Angeles and New York. Current Friars benefit from this unique educational and networking opportunity.