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P.A.L (Peer Assistance and Leadership) members earned a Congressional Award for their Directing Change film, "The Burden of Pressure". The award recognized students for their outstanding artistic storytelling to help raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.

Directing Change is a state-wide program aimed at efforts to prevent suicide, reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental illness, and promote the mental health and wellness of students. Students directed a video about a young man who struggles with his responsibilities. He later finds help from those around him, including his counselors and friends.

During Stress and Mental Health Awareness Week, P.A.L. organized activities like "Music for Mindfulness," where students were greeted by P.A.L. members with soothing music and a treat upon arrival at school. The "Wheel of Wellness" was Thursday’s activity, where students spun a wheel to expand their knowledge of mental health and its resources, and the week ended with “Wear Green Day,” where students wore green to spread the importance of Stress and Mental Health Awareness.

View Servite’s P.A.L’s video submission here:

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